Meet The Woman Inventor Who’s Changing The World

Isaiah Young
3 min readNov 16, 2021


“I want to expose youth to opportunities that’s rarely accessible to them now and give them a better outlook on life, Kayla Brockington said.” She is an rising influential Entrepreneur from Baltimore, MD, who is self driven to create a positive change across the DMV- Metro area.

Kayla has high hopes and high ambitions to serve a difference in kids lives who are in the foster care and surrounding communities, because Kayla was once one her self. Year 2019 was when she decided to take the change that she wanted and implemented into her own hands.

She launched her “life changing” consulting agency Project Niche. The main goal of the company is to help foster and at risk youth reach full potential and find divine purpose in their walk in life so that they can effectively impact their community. Working with Project Niche will set all youth with a great chance to achieve their dreams by furthering their education and advancing their career goals.

Project Niche was created based on my life experiences, being in foster care and being able to acknowledge the gaps in the system. I wanted to help others navigate the system how I did, Kayla said.”

The program offers different services such as 1-to-1 meetings, Independent living training, Induvial and group parent training and workshops.

See 20% of teens age out of foster care and are greater risk for homelessness jobless or incarceration. 70% of women in foster care will become pregnant before the age of twenty one and 19% of children in foster care age out at 18 without a permanent home.

Only 45% of youth across the DMV Metro area gradates high school and becomes successful in life. Kayla understands all of these statistics which is why she began the work that she is doing while trying to reach more youth. Visit project Niche today at their website to view all of their services plus more. (Consultation | Project Change Now.) If you are looking for a job that is fun with an engaging work environment, where you don't have to sit at the office all day and if you are passionate about helping others then Project Niche is hiring for consultants that you can be apart of.

Kayla Brockington currently serves as Vice President of speak out which is a foster youth and alumni advocacy board in Virginia state. She is an advocate or policy changes for social workers and foster youth as well. Kayla helps the youth to find their voice also teaching them vital skills like advocacy through her active role at Speak out. Kayla is also an Social activist, and Mom-prenuer.”

Stay updated with Kayla Brockington and with all of these impactful work that she does by following her on Instagram & Twitter @Therealkmone and @Project Niche.



Isaiah Young
Isaiah Young

Written by Isaiah Young

I’m from Baltimore MD, I am a 22 year old Entrepreneur, Urban Journalist, and publisher. My goal is to create a new narrative.. Fmoig @thereal_zaythedon

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